2013 Honda CR-V Error Message and Solution

Navigation Error MessageCause/DescriptionSolution
The display temperature is too high! For protection, the display will shut down.The display temperature is too high; the navigation system will turn off until it cools down and restart automatically.Wait for the display to cool down; system will restart automatically.
The navigation system is unable to start due to excessive heat.The system will start after cooling down.Wait for the system to cool before use.
The navigation system has difficulty accessing the map database due to high temperature.The system will start automatically once cooled.Wait for the display to cool down; system will start automatically.
Route has not been completed. Please try again from a different location.Occurs when the route is in an area not included in the database.Try planning a route from a different location or contact your dealer if the error persists.
Destination is not in this database version. Please set from map.The selected destination is not in the database.Choose a nearby destination or use the map to set the destination. Contact dealer if persistent.
No POI found...--
Disc Player Error MessagesCauseSolution
Bad DiscServo errorEject the disc, inspect for damage, reinsert. If error repeats, try another disc or contact dealer.
Mecha ErrorMechanical errorCheck disc and insert again; contact dealer if issue persists.
Check DiscFocus errorEject and inspect disc; insert again.
Disc violates copyright-Use a compliant disc.
Disc not supportedUnsupported discTry reinserting a compatible disc.
Load error-Reinsert disc.
UnsupportedUnplayable format or DRMEnsure files are compatible; check disc contents.
Heat ErrorHigh temperatureAllow player to cool down.
iPod®/Pandora® Error MessagesCauseSolution
UnsupportedIncompatible iPod®/iPhone®Update iOS or try reconnecting.
Connect RetryAuthentication failureReconnect iPod®/iPhone®.
No DataNo tracks in iPod®Store tracks on device.
Bad Use DeviceOvercurrent protection activatedDisconnect device, restart audio system.
USB ErrorInternal USB errorUse a different iPod®/iPhone®.
No stationNo stations in Pandora®Check iPhone®.
Unsupported Ver.Outdated Pandora® versionUpdate Pandora®.
No active stationDeleted Pandora® stationChoose another station.
No ConnectioniPhone® error or out of serviceCheck iPhone®.
Rating errorFailed rating operationTry again later.
Bookmark errorFailed bookmark operationTry again later.
USB Flash Drive TroubleshootingCauseSolution
UnsupportedUnsupported device connectedReconnect a compatible device.
Unplayable FileDRM or unsupported formatEnsure compatible format or check for damaged files.
No DataNo compatible files on USBAdd MP3, WMA, or AAC tracks to USB.
Bad Use DeviceOvercurrent protection activatedDisconnect device and restart audio system.
USB ErrorInternal USB ROM errorUse a different USB flash drive.
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